I am having trouble concentrating on my writing .....
We are rejoicing in a week of warm, stunning weather here in the Pacific Northwest! After a wet and rainy past few months, this tantalizing spring-time beauty and longed-for warmth has come exactly when I took myself on a three day writing retreat.....to a spot where the beauty and the warmth is especially stunning. I am in a full-out fist fight with myself to stay indoors writing lit for kids when this weather screams at my window to come out and play.
I want to walk the beach ..... poke in the nearby village .... sip pinot gris on the deck .... and chat with my writing buddies.
And..... I want fresh, fun ideas and creative inspiration to abound in my brain.
This morning when the third-in-a-row bright sunny day dawned, promising to be warmer still than its two predecessors, I thought of this wonderful new kid lit book I bought last week. Titled Ideas are All Around, it is by the enormously talented Philip C Stead (think A Sick Day for Amos McGee) and his wife, Erin E Stead. Philip Stead needs to be spending the day writing but hasn't any ideas and his dog, Wednesday, wants to take a walk. So off they go ..... into the sunshine, the neighborhood, the neighbors, the turtles at the pond, the spilled blue paint that looks like a horse, and find that IDEAS are all around ---- you just have to find them.

I returned thinking about WallyDing, a bell-ringing Orca whale.
Thank you, Philip and Erin Stead.